Late pancreas allograft rejection: Preliminary experience with factors predisposing to rejection
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Journal Article
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A case series of 31 cadaveric pancreas transplant recipients who were insulin-independent at least for one year was analyzed for the factors predisposing to late acute rejection (>12 months posttransplant). Sixty-two pancreas transplants were performed in 61 patients, of whom 53 had functioning allografts 8 months posttransplant; 31 of these had a follow-up >12 months. Twenty had no evidence of late rejection, whereas 11 had evidence of acute rejection after 12 months. All patients received quadruple induction immunosuppression. No demographic or clinical factors-including donor age, organ cold time, HLA mismatch, age, sex, or race-could distinguish the late acute rejection group. The presence of acute rejection in the first year posttransplant was similar in the late rejectors (21 episodes in 9 of 11 patients) compared with patients without late rejection (31 episodes in 16 of 20 patients). Antilymphocyte induction therapy type had no influence, but the amount of immunosuppression with prednisone and cyclosporine (CsA) at 3 months posttransplant was significantly lower in those patients who experienced late rejection. After the first year posttransplant, CsA 12-hr trough levels were significantly lower in late rejection months (121±7 ng/ml) compared with each patient's own stable months (183±8 ng/ml, P<0.001), and patients with no rejection ever (185±5 ng/ml, P<0.0001). Neither prednisone nor azathioprine dosages differed between the two groups after the first year posttransplant. Our preliminary results suggest that early under immunosuppression with prednisone and CsA in the first year and 12-hr trough CsA levels less than approximately 180 ng/ml after the first year posttransplant predispose to late pancreatic rejection.
APA Citation
Walker, J., Klassen, D., Hooper, F., Hoehn-Saric, E., Schweitzer, E., Johnson, L., Bartlett, S., & Weir, M. (1996). Late pancreas allograft rejection: Preliminary experience with factors predisposing to rejection. Transplantation, 62 (4).