Isolated trans-hiatal colonic herniation
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Date
Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques - Part A
Isolated herniation of the colon through congenital or traumatic diaphragmatic defects are well documented. However, trans-hiatal herniation of the colon in the absence of an intrathoracic stomach has been reported only once. A 67-year-old man presented with intragastric abdominal pain and a chest x-ray film documenting a posterior mediastinal air-fluid level. Computed tomography showed gastrointestinal contents within the thorax. The findings on an upper gastrointestinal film with small bowel follow-through were normal. Finally, a barium enema identified transverse colon within the thoracic cavity. At laparoscopy, the entire transverse colon was reduced with the hernia sac. The crural defect was repaired, and a Toupet fundoplication was performed. A gastropexy was also added. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 2 able to tolerate a regular diet, and he has been asymptomatic for 5 months. This defect most likely represents a congenital deformity of the diaphragm with intact posterior gastric attachments, including the posterior phrenoesophageal ligament. An intact gastric mesentery enabled isolated colonic herniation with retention of the stomach its normal anatomic position. An antireflux procedure was performed in addition to the crural repair because of the circumferential dissection of the esophagus. This article is the second report of an isolated trans-hiatal herniation of the colon and the first report of laparoscopic repair of this entity.
APA Citation
Felsher, J., Brodsky, J., & Brody, F. (2003). Isolated trans-hiatal colonic herniation. Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques - Part A, 13 (2).