
Submissions from 2012


African-American parents' trust in their child's primary care provider., Ivor B. Horn, Stephanie J. Mitchell, Jichuan Wang, Jill G. Joseph, and Lawrence S. Wissow


D 3 dopamine receptor regulation of D 5 receptor expression and function in renal proximal tubule cells., Hefei Huang, Hongmei Ren, Caiyu Chen, Xiaoyan Wang, Jian Yang, Yu Han, Duofen He, Lin Zhou, Laureano D. Asico, Pedro A. Jose, and Chunyu Zeng

D 3 dopamine receptor regulation of D 5 receptor expression and function in renal proximal tubule cells, H Huang, H Ren, C Chen, X Wang, and J Yang

Human apolipoprotein L1 (ApoL1) in cancer and chronic kidney disease, C.A. Hu and PE Ray


Human apolipoprotein L1 (ApoL1) in cancer and chronic kidney disease., Chien-An A. Hu, Edward I. Klopfer, and Patricio E. Ray

Risky sexual behavior among college students with ADHD: Is the mother-child relationship protective?, S. P. Huggins, M. Rooney, and A. Chronis-Tuscano


Risky sexual behavior among college students with ADHD: Is the mother-child relationship protective?, Suzanne Perrique Huggins, Mary E. Rooney, and Andrea Chronis-Tuscano


Genomic loss of tumor suppressor miRNA-204 promotes cancer cell migration and invasion by activating AKT/mTOR/Rac1 signaling and actin reorganization, Saadi J. Imam, Jason R. Plyler, Hima Bansal, Suresh Prajapati, Sanjay Bansal, Jennifer Rebeles, Jeffrey S. Dome, and +12 additional authors


Validation of measurement scales in ocular graft-versus-host disease, Yoshihiro Inamoto, Xiaoyu Chai, Brenda F. Kurland, Corey Cutler, Mary E.D. Flowers, Jeanne Palmer, Paul A. Carpenter, Mary J. Heffernan, David Jacobsohn, Madan H. Jagasia, Joseph Pidala, Nandita Khera, Georgia B. Vogelsang, Daniel Weisdorf, Paul J. Martin, Steven Pavletic, and Stephanie J. Lee


Clinical benefit of response in chronic graft-versus-host disease, Yoshihiro Inamoto, Paul J. Martin, Xiaoyu Chai, Madan H. Jagasia, Jeanne Palmer, David Jacobsohn, and +11 additional authors


White matter protection in congenital heart surgery, Nobuyuki Ishibashi, Joseph Scafidi, Akira Murata, Ludmila Korotcova, David Zurakowski, Vittorio Gallo, and Richard A. Jonas

White matter protection in congenital heart surgery, N Ishibashi, J Scafidi, A Murata, L Korotcova, and D Zurakowski


Oligodendrocyte regeneration after neonatal hypoxia requires FoxO1-mediated p27Kip1 expression., Beata Jablonska, Joseph Scafidi, Adan Aguirre, Flora Vaccarino, Vien Nguyen, Erzsebet Borok, Tamas L. Horvath, David H. Rowitch, and Vittorio Gallo

Oligodendrocyte regeneration after neonatal hypoxia requires FoxO1-mediated p27Kip1 expression., B Jablonska, J Scafidi, A Aguirre, F Vaccarino, and V Nguyen


Safe pediatric care delivery, Brian R. Jacobs and Max J. Coppes


Reduction in clinical variance using targeted design changes in computerized provider order entry (CPOE) order sets, Brian R. Jacobs, K. W. Hart, and D. W. Rucker


Correlation between NIH composite skin score, patient-reported skin score, and outcome: Results from the chronic GVHD Consortium, David Jacobsohn, Brenda F. Kurland, Joseph Pidala, Yoshihiro Inamoto, Xiaoyu Chai, Jeanne Palmer, Sally Arai, Mukta Arora, Madan H. Jagasia, Corey Cutler, Daniel Weisdorf, Paul J. Martin, Steven Pavletic, Georgia B. Vogelsang, Stephanie J. Lee, and Mary E. Flowers

How to Optimize the Evaluation and Use of Antibiotics in Neonates, E Jacqz-Aigrain, F Kaguelidou, and JN Van Den Anker


How to Optimize the Evaluation and Use of Antibiotics in Neonates., Evelyne Jacqz-Aigrain, Florentia Kaguelidou, and John N. van den Anker


Prevalence of obesity among young Asian-American children, Anjali Jain, Stephanie Mitchell, Radha Chirumamilla, Jin Zhang, Ivor B. Horn, Amy Lewin, and Z. Jennifer Huang


Adenoviral E4 gene stimulates secretion of pigmental epithelium derived factor (PEDF) that maintains long-term survival of human glomerulus-derived endothelial cells, Marina Jerebtsova, Namita Kumari, Yuri Obuhkov, and Sergei Nekhai


HIV-1 resistant CDK2-knockdown macrophage-like cells generated from 293T cell-derived human induced pluripotent stem cells, Marina Jerebtsova, Namita Kumari, Min Xu, Gustavo Brito Alvim de Melo, Xiaomei Niu, Kuan-Teh Jeang, and Sergei Nekhai

Adenoviral E4 gene stimulates secretion of pigmental epithelium derived factor (PEDF) that maintains long-term survival of human glomerulus-derived endothelial cells, M. Jerebtsova, N. Kumari, Y. Obuhkov, and S. Nekhai


Management of cardiac myxoma during pregnancy: A case series and review of the literature., Anitha S. John, Heidi M. Connolly, Hartzell V. Schaff, and Kyle Klarich


Clinical outcomes of adult survivors of pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum., Anitha S. John and Carole A. Warnes

Reply, AS John, KW Arendt, MD Abel, and HM Connolly

Management of cardiac myxoma during pregnancy: A case series and review of the literature, AS John, HM Connolly, HV Schaff, and K Klarich

Clinical outcomes of adult survivors of pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum, AS John and CA Warnes

Mechanisms of fetal programming in hypertension., JE Jones, JA Jurgens, SA Evans, RC Ennis, and VA Villar


Mechanisms of fetal programming in hypertension., John E. Jones, Julie A. Jurgens, Sarah A. Evans, Riley C. Ennis, Van Anthony Villar, and Pedro A. Jose


The Clinical and Translational Science Institute at Children's National: Improving Health through pediatric Research., Jill Joseph, Mary Purucker, Kolaleh Eskandanian, Mark L. Batshaw, and Mendel Tuchman

The Clinical and Translational Science Institute at Children's National: Improving Health through pediatric Research, J Joseph, M Purucker, K Eskandanian, M Batshaw, and M Tuchman


Risk factors for smoking among adolescent survivors of childhood cancer: A report from the childhood cancer survivor study., Lisa S. Kahalley, Leslie A. Robinson, Vida L. Tyc, Melissa M. Hudson, Wendy Leisenring, Kayla Stratton, Anne C. Mertens, Lonnie Zeltzer, Leslie L. Robison, and Pamela S. Hinds

Risk factors for smoking among adolescent survivors of childhood cancer: A report from the childhood cancer survivor study, LS Kahalley, LA Robinson, VL Tyc, MM Hudson, and W Leisenring


Impact of IQ discrepancy on executive function in high-functioning autism: Insight into twice exceptionality., M. Layne Kalbfleisch and Ashlee R. Loughan

Impact of IQ discrepancy on executive function in high-functioning autism: Insight into twice exceptionality, ML Kalbfleisch and AR Loughan


Unrelated donor cord blood transplantation for children with severe sickle cell disease: results of one cohort from the phase II study from the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN)., Naynesh R. Kamani, Mark C. Walters, Shelly Carter, Victor Aquino, Joel A. Brochstein, Sonali Chaudhury, Mary Eapen, Brian M. Freed, Michael Grimley, John E. Levine, Brent R. Logan, Theodore Moore, Julie Panepinto, Suhag Parikh, Michael A. Pulsipher, Jane E. Sande, Kirk R. Schultz, Stephen Spellman, and Shalini Shenoy

Unrelated donor cord blood transplantation for children with severe sickle cell disease: results of one cohort from the phase II study from the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network (BMT CTN)., NR Kamani, MC Walters, S Carter, V Aquino, and JA Brochstein


Gene expression profiles predictive of outcome and age in infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A Children's Oncology Group study., Huining Kang, Carla S. Wilson, Richard C. Harvey, I-Ming Chen, Maurice H. Murphy, Susan R. Atlas, Edward J. Bedrick, Meenakshi Devidas, Andrew J. Carroll, Blaine W. Robinson, Ronald W. Stam, Maria G. Valsecchi, Rob Pieters, Nyla A. Heerema, Joanne M. Hilden, Carolyn A. Felix, Gregory Reaman, Bruce Camitta, Naomi Winick, William L. Carroll, ZoAnn E. Dreyer, Stephen P. Hunger, and Cheryl L. Willman

Gene expression profiles predictive of outcome and age in infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A Children's Oncology Group study, H Kang, CS Wilson, RC Harvey, I Chen, and SR Atlas


Case report: rapid spontaneous recovery from severe hypothyroidism in 2 teenage girls., Paul B. Kaplowitz

Case report: rapid spontaneous recovery from severe hypothyroidism in 2 teenage girls., PB Kaplowitz

Screening of newborn babies: From blood spot to bedside, AR Kemper and GR Martin

The Orbit Galaxy XTRASOFT Coils: A Multicenter Study of Coil Safety and Efficacy in Both Ruptured and Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms., A Khaldi, KM Fargen, B Waldau, AH Siddiqui, and BL Hoh


The Orbit Galaxy XTRASOFT Coils: A Multicenter Study of Coil Safety and Efficacy in Both Ruptured and Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms., Ahmad Khaldi, Kyle M. Fargen, Ben Waldau, Adnan H. Siddiqui, Brian L. Hoh, William Mack, Jeffrey Carpenter, Erol Veznedaroglu, and J. Mocco


The plasma and cerebrospinal fluid pharmacokinetics of sorafenib after intravenous administration in non-human primates., AeRang Kim, Cindy McCully, Raphael Cruz, Diane E. Cole, Elizabeth Fox, Frank M. Balis, and Brigitte C. Widemann

The plasma and cerebrospinal fluid pharmacokinetics of sorafenib after intravenous administration in non-human primates, A Kim, C McCully, R Cruz, DE Cole, and E Fox

Pediatric clerkship directors' social networking use and perceptions of online professionalism, T Kind, SR Greysen, and KC Chretien


Infantile anorexia: growth and nutrient intake in 62 cases., Catherine J. Klein, Tova G. Jacobovits, Frank Siewerdt, Leila T. Beker, Mark A. Kantor, Nadine R. Sahyoun, and Irene Chatoor

Infantile anorexia: growth and nutrient intake in 62 cases, C. J. Klein, T. G. Jacobovits, F. Siewerdt, L. T. Beker, and M. A. Kantor


Pharmacologic Management of the Opioid Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome., Walter K. Kraft and John N. van den Anker

Pharmacologic Management of the Opioid Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, WK Kraft and JN Van den Anker


d-Propranolol protects against oxidative stress and progressive cardiac dysfunction in iron overloaded rats, Jay H. Kramer, Christopher F. Spurney, Micaela Iantorno, Constantine Tziros, Joanna J. Chmielinska, and I. Tong Mak


CFTR, mucins, and mucus obstruction in cystic fibrosis, Silvia M. Kreda, C. William Davis, and Mary C. Rose

CFTR, mucins, and mucus obstruction in cystic fibrosis, SM Kreda, C William Davis, and MC Rose


Prenatal evaluation and management of fetuses exposed to Anti-SSA/Ro antibodies., Anita Krishnan, Jodi I. Pike, and Mary T. Donofrio

Participant satisfaction with group and individual components of Adolescent Impact: a secondary prevention intervention for HIV-positive youth, R.D. Lagrange, S. Abramowitz, L.J. Koenig, W. Barnes, and L. Conner


Participant satisfaction with group and individual components of Adolescent Impact: A secondary prevention intervention for HIV-positive youth, Ricardo D. LaGrange, Susan Abramowitz, Linda J. Koenig, William Barnes, Latoya C. Conner, and D. Moschel

Preliminary genetic imaging study of the association between estrogen receptor-alpha gene polymorphisms and harsh human maternal parenting, B. B. Lahey, K. J. Michalska, C. Liu, Q. Chen, and A. E. Hipwell


Preliminary genetic imaging study of the association between estrogen receptor-α gene polymorphisms and harsh human maternal parenting., Benjamin B. Lahey, Kalina J. Michalska, Chunyu Liu, Qi Chen, Alison E. Hipwell, Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Irwin D. Waldman, and Jean Decety

Ganglioside inhibition of CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity: Interference with lytic granule trafficking and exocytosis, HC Lee, A Wondimu, Y Liu, JSY Ma, and S Radoja


Ganglioside inhibition of CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity: Interference with lytic granule trafficking and exocytosis., Hee C. Lee, Assefa Wondimu, Yihui Liu, Jennifer S.Y. Ma, Sasa Radoja, and Stephan Ladisch


Automated detection of adverse events in children, Valere Lemon and David Stockwell

Automated detection of adverse events in children., V Lemon and DC Stockwell

Maternal over-control moderates the association between early childhood behavioral inhibition and adolescent social anxiety symptoms, E. Lewis-Morrarty, K. A. Degnan, A. Chronis-Tuscano, K. H. Rubin, and C. S. L. Cheah


Low rates of follow-up with primary care providers after pediatric emergency department visits for respiratory tract Illnesses., Danica B. Liberman, Deborah Q. Shelef, Jianping He, Robert McCarter, and Stephen J. Teach

Low rates of follow-up with primary care providers after pediatric emergency department visits for respiratory tract Illnesses, DB Liberman, DQ Shelef, J He, R McCarter, and SJ Teach

Presentations and outcomes of children with intraventricular hemorrhages after blunt head trauma, R Lichenstein, TF Glass, KS Quayle, SL Wootton-Gorges, and DH Wisner


Presentations and outcomes of children with intraventricular hemorrhages after blunt head trauma., Richard Lichenstein, Todd F. Glass, Kimberly S. Quayle, Sandra L. Wootton-Gorges, David H. Wisner, Michelle Miskin, J. P. Muizelaar, Mohamed Badawy, Shireen M. Atabaki, James F. Holmes, and Nathan Kuppermann


Cerebellar disruptions / Cerebellar injury related to prematurity, Catherine Limperopoulos


Neurologic Disorders in Children with Heart Disease, Catherine Limperopoulos and Adre J. Du Plessis

Molecular basis for specific regulation of neuronal Kinesin-3 motors by doublecortin family proteins., JS Liu, CR Schubert, X Fu, FJ Fourniol, and JK Jaiswal


Molecular basis for specific regulation of neuronal Kinesin-3 motors by doublecortin family proteins., Judy S. Liu, Christian R. Schubert, Xiaoqin Fu, Franck J. Fourniol, Jyoti K. Jaiswal, Anne Houdusse, Collin M. Stultz, Carolyn A. Moores, and Christopher A. Walsh


FOXP3 regulates sensitivity of cancer cells to irradiation by transcriptional repression of BRCA1, Weiquan Li, Hiroto Katoh, Lizhong Wang, Xiaochun Yu, Zhanwen Du, Xiaoli Yan, Pan Zheng, and Yang Liu


The involvement of acidic nucleoplasmic DNA-binding protein (and-1) in the regulation of prereplicative complex (pre-RC) assembly in human cells, Yongming Li, Haijie Xiao, Christelle de Renty, Aimee Jaramillo-Lambert, Zhiyong Han, Melvin L. DePamphilis, Kristy J. Brown, and Wenge Zhu


Bone mineral density in children and young adults with neurofibromatosis type 1, Maya B. Lodish, Urania Dagalakis, Ninet Sinaii, AeRang Kim, Kelsey B. Lokie, Andrea M. Baldwin National Institutes of Health, James C. Reynolds, Eva Dombi, Constnantine A. Stratakis, and Brigitte C. Widemann


Transfusion medicine problems and solutions for the pediatric hematologist/oncologist., Naomi L. Luban, Eileen McBride, Jason C. Ford, and Sumit Gupta

Transfusion medicine problems and solutions for the pediatric hematologist/oncologist., NL Luban, E McBride, JC Ford, and S Gupta


Post-transfusion purpura in an African-American man due to human platelet antigen-5b alloantibody: A case report, Filipa Lynce, Fang Yin, Kirsten Alcorn, and Vera Malkovska

Post-transfusion purpura in an African-American man due to human platelet antigen-5b alloantibody: a case report., F Lynce, F Yin, K Alcorn, and V Malkovska


Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology, 5th ed., Mhairi MacDonald, Jayashree Ramasethu, and Khodayar Rais-Bahrami

Gender differences in the developmental outcomes of children with congenital cardiac defects, A Majnemer, C Limperopoulos, M Shevell, C Rohlicek, and B Rosenblatt


Gender differences in the developmental outcomes of children with congenital cardiac defects, Annette Majnemer, Catherine Limperopoulos, Michael Shevell, Charles Rohlicek, Bernard Rosenblatt, and Chirsto Tchervenkov


Sensitivity of pulse oximetry for detection of critical congenital heart defects in newborn infants higher than that of antenatal ultrasound with few false positives., Gerard R. Martin and Elizabeth A. Bradshaw


The adult congenital and pediatric cardiology section: Increasing the opportunities for the congenital heart disease community within the American College of Cardiology., Gerard R. Martin, Stephanie J. Mitchell, Robert H. Beekman III, Jeffrey A. Feinstein, Kathy J. Jenkins, Michael Landzberg, and Gary Webb

Sensitivity of pulse oximetry for detection of critical congenital heart defects in newborn infants higher than that of antenatal ultrasound with few false positives, GR Martin and EA Bradshaw

The adult congenital and pediatric cardiology section: Increasing the opportunities for the congenital heart disease community within the American College of Cardiology, GR Martin, S Mitchell, RH Beekman, JA Feinstein, and KJ Jenkins


aEEG evolution during therapeutic hypothermia and prediction of NICU outcome in encephalopathic neonates, An Nguyen Massaro, Tammy Tsuchida, Nadja Kadom, Mohamed El-Dib, Penny Glass, Stephen Baumgart, and Taeun Chang


Importance of 'Return-to-Learn' in Pediatric and Adolescent Concussion., Christina L. Master, Gerard A. Gioia, John J. Leddy, and Matthew F. Grady


Fever and limp: Thinking outside the box, David J. Mathison, April Troy, and Michael Levy

Fever and limp: thinking outside the box, DJ Mathison, A Troy, and M Levy


Role of circulating fibroblast growth factor-2 in lipopolysaccharide- induced acute kidney injury in mice., Parnell C. Mattison, Angel A. Soler-Garcia, Jharna Das, Marina Jerebtsova, Sofia Perazzo, Pingtao Tang, and Patricio E. Ray

Role of circulating fibroblast growth factor-2 in lipopolysaccharide- induced acute kidney injury in mice, PC Mattison, AA Soler-García, JR Das, M Jerebtsova, and S Perazzo


Comparing a single institution's experience with electrical injuries to the data recorded in the National Burn Repository., Sarah E. Matt, Jeffrey W. Shupp, Elizabeth A. Carter, Jesse D. Shaw, and Marion H. Jordan

Comparing a single institution's experience with electrical injuries to the data recorded in the National Burn Repository., SE Matt, JW Shupp, EA Carter, JD Shaw, and MH Jordan

Dynamic Logistic Regression and Dynamic Model Averaging for Binary Classification, TH Mccormick, AE Raftery, D Madigan, and RS Burd


Dynamic logistic regression and dynamic model averaging for binary classification, Tyler H. McCormick, Adrian E. Raftery, David Madigan, and Randall S. Burd

The authors reply, HC Mefford, ML Batshaw, and EP Hoffman


Genomics, intellectual disability, and autism, Heather C. Mefford, Mark L. Batshaw, and Eric P. Hoffman

Sickle cell disease in children, ER Meier and JL Miller