Considering the ectopic pituitary gland in evaluation of the nasopharyngeal mass
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Date
JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Copyright © 2015 American Medical Association. IMPORTANCE Extracranial pituitary ectopia is an uncommon finding characterized by all or a portion of the pituitary gland situated in an aberrant location. Often these lesions come to clinical attention only once they begin to function abnormally or increase in size significantly. OBSERVATIONS We describe an incidentally noted, asymptomatic pedunculated nasopharyngeal lesion in a 13-month-old girl that may be an extracranial pituitary gland. Consideration of this rare anomaly cautioned against performing a biopsy and may have prevented inadvertent removal of functional pituitary tissue.We describe the embryologic origins of ectopic pituitary tissue, discuss the differential diagnosis for nasopharyngeal lesions in children, and emphasize physical and radiologic findings suggestive of ectopic pituitary tissue to prevent potential inadvertent removal of this rare anomaly. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE We report this unusual case to review embryologic origins of ectopic pituitary tissue and to alert otolaryngologists of the need to consider ectopic pituitary tissue in the diagnosis of nasopharyngeal lesions in children.
APA Citation
Sioshansi, P., Vezina, G., Yaun, A., Miller, M., & Bauman, N. (2015). Considering the ectopic pituitary gland in evaluation of the nasopharyngeal mass. JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 141 (7).