"Emergency contraception update: Last chance options" by Alexandra P. Gold and Roxanne Jamshidi

Emergency contraception update: Last chance options

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date



Contemporary Ob/Gyn






EC offers women a last chance at preventing an unplanned pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. UPA is the most effective available form of oral EC, especially 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, and is available by prescription only. LNG is also effective for postcoital prevention of pregnancy and is available OTC to women aged 17 and older; however, those younger than 17 years are required to have a prescription. The Yuzpe regimen may be less effective and associated with more adverse effects, but it may still be useful for women who do not have access to other EC or have privacy concerns about obtaining EC. The copper IUD is the most effective form of postcoital contraception and has the benefit of continued pregnancy protection for up to 10 years, but it requires a trained provider for insertion. For all methods, advanced education about the availability of EC and increasing access is imperative. EE.

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