"The questionnaire of integral assessment of male sexuality" by M. I. Kogan and A. I. Kireev

The questionnaire of integral assessment of male sexuality

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date



Urologiia (Moscow, Russia : 1999)




We propose an original questionnaire for determination of male sexual activity in the course of male sexual life. The questionnaire contains 34 questions involving the following characteristics of male sexuality: the age of libido arousal, age of the onset and duration of onanism, age of the first coitus, sexual drive, regularity and duration of coitus, sexual excesses, prolongations of coituses before marriage, during marriage(s), at present. Self-rating was made according to 5-point system. Interpretation of the questioning results implies referral of the responders to three groups by the level of sexuality: normo-, hypo- and hypersexuality. Sexual history was determined retrospectively using the above questionnaire for 64 patients aged 50-78 years: 31.3, 31.3 and 37.4% examinees entered normo-, hypo- and hypersexuality groups, respectively. The proposed questionnaire can serve as a tool for studies of male sexuality in relation with different pathological processes: prostatic adenoma and cancer, metabolic syndrome, erectile dysfunction and others.

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