Video case review for quality improvement during cardiac arrest resuscitation in the emergency department

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date



International Journal of Clinical Practice




Background: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests are a leading global cause of mortality. The American Heart Association (AHA) promotes several important strategies associated with improved cardiac arrest (CA) outcomes, including decreasing pulse check time and maintaining a chest compression fraction (CCF) > 0.80. Video review is a potential tool to improve skills and analyse deficiencies in various situations; however, its use in improving medical resuscitation remains poorly studied in the emergency department (ED). We implemented a quality improvement initiative, which utilised video review of CA resuscitations in an effort to improve compliance with such AHA quality metrics. Methods: A cardiopulmonary resuscitation video review team of emergency medicine residents were assembled to analyse CA resuscitations in our urban academic ED. Videos were reviewed by two residents, one of whom was a senior resident (Postgraduate Year 3 or 4), and analysed using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient for numerous quality improvement metrics, including pulse check time, CCF, time to intravenous access and time to patient attached to monitor. Results: We collected data on 94 CA resuscitations between July 2017 and June 2020. Average pulse check time was 13.09 (SD ± 5.97) seconds, and 38% of pulse checks were <10 seconds. After the implementation of the video review process, there was a significant decrease in average pulse check time (P =.01) and a significant increase in CCF (P =.01) throughout the study period. Conclusions: Our study suggests that the video review and feedback process was significantly associated with improvements in AHA quality metrics for resuscitation in CA amongst patients presented to the ED.

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