Submissions from 2011
Stoma dermatitis: Prevalent but often overlooked - Clarifications, S Agarwal and A Ehrlich
Upregulation of fanconi anemia DNA repair genes in melanoma compared with non-melanoma skin cancer, WH Kao, AI Riker, DS Kushwaha, K Ng, and SA Enkemann
What are the consequences if i postpone treatment of my PSA-detected prostate cancer?., JN Sampson
Clinical evidence for the role of a topical anti-inflammatory agent in comedonal acne: Findings from a randomized study of dapsone gel 5% in combination with tazarotene cream 0.1% in patients with acne vulgaris, E Tanghetti, S Dhawan, L Green, M Ling, and J Downie
Psoriasis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, KS Wenk, KC Arrington, and A Ehrlich
Lymphedema, yellow nails, and a persistent cough, KS Wenk and A Ehrlich
Submissions from 2010
Stoma dermatitis: Prevalent but often overlooked, S Agarwal and A Ehrlich
Utilization of a New Tissue Expander in the Closure of a Large Mohs Surgical Defect, AA Bajoghli, JY Yoo, and DT Faria
Controlled, Randomized Study of Pain Levels in Subjects Treated with Calcium Hydroxylapatite Premixed with Lidocaine for Correction of Nasolabial Folds, E. Marmur, L. Green, and M. Busso
Biologic therapies for Psoriasis: Do we use them enough?, R Prussick
Randomized Comparison of the Safety and Efficacy of Tazarotene 0.1% Cream and Adapalene 0.3% Gel in the Treatment of Patients With at Least Moderate Facial Acne Vulgaris, E. Tanghetti, S. Dhawan, L. Green, J. Del Rosso, and Z. Draelos
Allergic contact dermatitis from epoxy resin in solder mask coating in an individual working with printed circuit boards, KS Wenk and A Ehrlich
Submissions from 2009
Allergic contact dermatitis from cigarettes, Z. R. Glick, N. Saedi, and A. Ehrlich
Comparing a Novel Solubilized Benzoyl Peroxide Gel With Benzoyl Peroxide/Clindamycin: Final Data From A Multicenter, Investator-Blind, Randomized Study, L. Kircik, L. Green, D. Thiboutot, E. Tanghetti, and D. Wilson
Skin biopsy for inflammatory and common neoplastic skin diseases: optimum time, best location and preferred techniques. A critical review, B. Sina, G. F. Kao, A. C. Deng, and A. A. Gaspari
Submissions from 2008
Topical vitamins, C. Burgess
Treatment of facial asymmetry with poly-l -lactic acid: a case study, C. M. Burgess
Questions & answers, A. Ehrlich, D. Hinnen, S. M. Strowig, K. Stanley, and G. Alarcon
Fatal Subcutaneous Panniculitis-Like T-Cell Lymphoma gamma/delta Subtype (Cutaneous gamma/delta T-Cell Lymphoma): Report of a Case and Review of the Literature, G. F. Kao, B. Resh, C. McMahon, I. Gojo, and C. C. Sun
Neem oil: an herbal therapy for alopecia causes dermatitis, P. Reutemann and A. Ehrlich
Actinic keratosis: an occupational and environmental disorder, R. A. Schwartz, T. M. Bridges, A. K. Butani, and A. Ehrlich
Submissions from 2007
Soft tissue augmentation in skin of color: market growth, available fillers, and successful techniques. [Review] [11 refs], C. M. Burgess
Case reports: selected dermatoses in children of color, R. E. Epps
What is your diagnosis? Kaposi sarcoma, S. S. Walia, K. Lee, and A. Bajoghli
Submissions from 2006
A prospective randomized clinical trial of 0.1% tacrolimus ointment in a model of chronic allergic contact dermatitis, D. Belsito, D. C. Wilson, E. Warshaw, J. Fowler, and A. Ehrlich
Principles of soft tissue augmentation for the aging face, C. M. Burgess
Dermatologic aspects of thyroid disease. [Review] [103 refs], K. D. Burman and L. McKinley-Grant
Development and reliability testing of a standardized questionnaire to assess psoriasis phenotype, A. Ehrlich, T. Koch, B. Amin, D. J. Liewehr, and S. M. Steinberg
Patterns of infantile hemangiomas: new clues to hemangioma pathogenesis and embryonic facial development, A.N. Haggstrom, E.J. Lammer, R.A. Schneider, R. Marcucio, and I.J. Frieden
An unusual presentation of refractory cutaneous Langerhans cell histiocytosis in an adult, S.S. Walia and K. Gayer
Submissions from 2005
The importance of mitotic rate as a prognostic factor for localized cutaneous melanoma., R.L. Barnhill, J. Katzen, A. Spatz, J. Fine, and M. Berwick
Assessment of the safety and efficacy of poly-L-lactic acid for the treatment of HIV-associated facial lipoatrophy, C. M. Burgess and R. M. Quiroga
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans of the forehead and scalp with involvement of the outer calvarial plate: Multistaged repair with the use of skin expanders, A. Khachemoune, D. Barkoe, M. Braun, and S. P. Davison
Submissions from 2004
Angiotropic malignant melanoma and extravascular migratory metastasis: description of 36 cases with emphasis on a new mechanism of tumour spread, R. L. Barnhill and C. Lugassy
Medical pearl: permethrin can prevent arthropod bites and stings. [Review] [7 refs], M. L. Elgart
Impetigo in pediatrics, R. E. Epps
Spatial accessibility of primary care in the U.S.: A review., M.F. Guagliardo
Validation of an instrument to collect medically relevant information from psoriasis patients in a standardized manner, T. Koch, A. Ehrlich, M. Turner, and A. Blauvelt
Pericyte-like location of GFP-tagged melanoma cells - Ex vivo and in vivo studies of extravascular migratory metastasis, C. Lugassy, H. K. Kleinman, J. A. Engbring, D. R. Welch, and J. F. Harms
Pericyte-like location of GFP-tagged melanoma cells: ex vivo and in vivo studies of extravascular migratory metastasis., C. Lugassy, H.K. Kleinman, J.A. Engbring, D.R. Welch, and J.F. Harms
Submissions from 2003
Cost-benefit analysis of ivermectin, permethrin and benzyl benzoate in the management of infantile and childhood scabies, M. L. Elgart
Drug-induced sweat gland necrosis in a non-comatose patient: a case presentation, C. Ferreli, V. I. Sulica, N. Aste, L. Atzori, and M. Pinna
Immunotoxic effects of cis-urocanic acid exposure in C57BL/6N and C3H/HeN mice, M. R. Prater, R. M. Gogal, E. C. De Fabo, J. Longstreth, and S. D. Holladay
Are en face frozen sections accurate for diagnosing margin status in melanocytic lesions?, V. G. Prieto, Z. B. Argenyi, R. L. Barnhill, P. H. Duray, and R. Elenitsas
Side effects and complications of variable-pulsed erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser skin resurfacing: extended experience with 50 patients, E.L. Tanzi and T.S. Alster
Single-pass carbon dioxide versus multiple-pass Er:YAG laser skin resurfacing: a comparison of postoperative wound healing and side-effect rates, E.L. Tanzi and T.S. Alster
Lasers in dermatology: four decades of progress, E.L. Tanzi, J.R. Lupton, and T.S. Alster
Treatment of facial rhytides with a nonablative 1,450-nm diode laser: a controlled clinical and histologic study, E.L. Tanzi, C.M. Williams, and T.S. Alster
Submissions from 2002
Angiotropism in cutaneous melanoma: A prognostic factor strongly predicting risk for metastasis., R.L. Barnhill, K. Dy, and C. Lugassy
Skin Infections an Infestations in Geriatric Patients, M.L. Elgart
A clinical evaluation of tazarotene 0.1% gel, with and without a high- or mid-high-potency corticosteroid, in patients with stable plaque psoriasis, L. Green and W. Sadoff
Histologic characteristics of thin metastasizing melanomas: A case-control study of 43 cases., J Guitart, L. Lowe, M. Piepkorn, V.G. Prieto, and M.S. Rabkin
Pericytic-like angiotropism of glioma and melanoma cells, C. Lugassy, R.I. Haroun, H. Brem, B.M. Tyler, and R.V. Jones
Human melanoma cell migration along capillary-like structures in vitro: A new dynamic model for studying extravascular migratory metastasis., C. Lugassy, R.L. Haroun, H. Brem, B.M. Tyler, and R.V. Jones
Painful plaques on the soles of an HIV-positive man, N.L. Marchell, J. Lupton, and M.L. Elgart
Treatment of atrophic facial acne scars with a dual-mode Er:YAG laser, E.L. Tanzi and T.S. Alster
Submissions from 2001
Electrosurgical ablation: a new mode of cutaneous resurfacing, T.S. Alster
Book Review: The Pocket Guide to Fungal Infection, by M.D. Richardson and E.M. Johynson, Blackwell Science 2000, M.L. Elgart
Digital photography for mapping Mohs micrographic surgery sections, B.B. Lin and R.S. Taylor
Submissions from 2000
Long-term results of a multi-institutional randomized trial comparing prognostic factors and surgical results for intermediate thickness melanomas (1.0 to 4.0mm). Intergroup Melanoma Surgical Trial., C.M. Balch, S. Soong, M.I. Ross, M.M. Urist, and C.P. Karakousis
The histologic diagnosis of melanoma., R.L. Barnhill
Signs and symptoms of melanoma in older populations, P.J. Christos, S.A. Oliveria, M. Berwick, D. Guerry, and D.E. Elder
Genetic control of susceptibility to UV-induced immunosuppression by interacting quantitative trait loci, K.E. Clemens, G. Churchill, N. Bhatt, K.E. Richardson, and F.P. Noonan
Stratospheric ozone depletion:UVB "effects", the neglected aspect, E.C. De Fabo
Ultraviolet-B radiation and stratospheric ozone loss: potential impacts on human health in the Arctic., E.C. De Fabo
Adjuvant high-dose interferon alfa-2b in patients with high-risk melanoma, E. Jonasch, U.N. Kumar, G.P. Linette, F.S. Hodi, and R.J. Soiffer
UVB-radiation: a health risk in the Arctic?, F.P. Noonan and E.C. De Fabo
Accelerated ultraviolet radiation-induced carcinogenesis in hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor transgenic mice, F.P. Noonan, T. Otsuka, S. Bang, M.R. Anver, and G. Merlino
Histopathological features of flexural melanocytic nevi: a study of 40 cases., F. Rongioletti, R.A. Ball, R. Marcus, and R.L. Barnhill
Submissions from 1999
Are we teaching phototherapy? Results of an informal survey of phototherapy education, L. J. Green
Submissions from 1998
Regulation of stimulated cyclic AMP synthesis by urocanic acid, B. Bouscarel, F. Noonan, S. Ceryak, T. W. Gettys, and T. M. Phillips
Wells' syndrome triggered by centipede bite, I. S. Friedman, R. G. Phelps, J. Baral, and A. N. Sapadin
Captopril-triggered linear IgA bullous dermatosis, I. S. Friedman, D. Rudikoff, R. G. Phelps, and A. N. Sapadin
Gastrointestinal complications of dermatomal herpes zoster successfully treated with famciclovir and lactulose, J. J. Hong and M. L. Elgart
Adverse Cutaneous Reactions to Drugs, R Prussick
An Approach to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hives., R Prussick
An unusual demodicidosis manifestation in a patient with AIDS, R. A. Sarro, J. J. Hong, and M. L. Elgart