GW Research Days 2015 | GW Research Days 2015 and Earlier | Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library, The George Washington University
The George Washington University Research Days 2015 were held on March 31-April 1, 2015. Abstracts may be found here:


Submissions from 2015


Quit4baby: Results From a Pilot Test of a Mobile Smoking Cessation Program for Pregnant Women, Lorien C. Abroms, Judy M. Van Alstyne, Christina L. Heminger, Leah E. Leavitt, and Jennifer M. Schindler-Ruwisch


Minimal Increase in Contrast Enhancement after chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) for glioblastoma predicts worse survival and progression-free survival, Sameer Aggarwal, Jason Molitoris, Cecelia Gzell, and Minesh Mehta


Re-Expansion Pulmonary Edema, Talal Alzahrani, Nawaf Abaalkhail, Mayssam Nehme, and Jalil Ahari


A Very Rare Cause of Pancytopenia., Talal Alzahrani, Dana Kay, Kelly Zhang, and Linda Lesky


Hepatitis C Virus Infection Screening Test Compliance at Primary Care Clinic, Talal Alzahrani, Brandon Rieders, Mohammed Fadlalla, Jason Gendell, and Anne Cioletti


Laparoscopic Surgery for Patients with Severe Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, Talal S. Alzahrani, Victor S. Saxena, Alexander Cho, and Guillermo Gutierrez


A Rare Case of Non-Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema, Talal Alzahrani, Kelly Zhang, Angela Ryan, Yasir Alfi, and Jeffrey Zweig


Further Expansion of Nested E-Modules to Address Anatomical Knowledge Retention in Medical Students entering the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Rotation, Abigail Armstrong, Jill A. Krapf, Kirsten Brown, Gisela Butera, Ellen F. Goldman, and Rosalyn A. Jurjus


Out and About in Medicine: GW Out For Health, Michelle S. Davis, Daniel F. O'Neill, Robert Tollefson, Domenique Escobar, Chase Hiller, and Lawrence R. Deyton


Impact of Condition Specific Camps on Resiliency and Adaptive Behavior in Children with Heart Conditions, Jeanette Fong and Sandra Cushner-Weinstein


Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Treatment- A Systematic Review, Samah Hassan Hajjar and James K. Cooper


Parcellation Scheme for a Spatio-Temporal Atlas of Fetal Brain Lobe Development, Jasmine Kaidbey


Impact of Implementing the Geriatric Resource Nurse Model on Fall and Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcer Rates, and Length of Stay in Older Adults in an Acute Care Hospital, Elzbieta Kmiecik, Cathie E. Guzzetta, Mary-Michael Brown, Qiuping Pearl Zhou, and Desale Sameer


Blood, Brain and Now Bone – Learning More About an Often Overlooked Pathogen, Linda Lesky, Julianne Camba, Sarah De Los Santos, Alexander Fortenko, and Talal Alzahrani


Rate Control of Atrial Arrhythmias Can Be Achieved by Selective Cardiac Neurostimulation, Mark Marchitto, Aditya C. Sharma, Jeffrey P. Moak, Dingchao He, Conor Hynes, Gregory Trachiotis, Andy Blichard, Erin Montague, Xiyan Li, Gene Bornzin, Charles I. Berul, Richard A. Jonas, and Marco A. Mercader


c-ANCA Positive Necrotizing Crescentic Glomerulonephritis with Linear Immunoglobulin Staining, Akshita Mehta


Medical Students in Microscopic Anatomy and Pathology Laboratories: Design of an E-Learning Histology and Histopathology Atlas, Alexandra Mills, Michelle Davis, Donald Karcher, Patricia S. Latham, Janet Krum, Gisela Butera, and Rosalyn A. Jurjus


Fast Food: A Source of Exposure to Phthalates and Bisphenol A in a Nationally Representative Sample, Cassandra Phillips, Susanna Mitro, and Ami R. Zota


Occupational Health Risk Factors for Schistosomiasis: Systematic Review and Analysis, Sarah Grace Sawyer, Amira Roess, and Gisela Butera