Himmelfarb Library Faculty Posters and Presentations
Document Type
training; disaster; app; workshop; phone; smartphone; lesson plan
Publication Date
This instruction was designed to be delivered to a Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) or a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).
Instructional Goal #1: Using a personal smartphone connected to the internet, learners will download medical information apps, before deployment to a disaster environment.
Instructional Goal #2: Recalling real and simulated patient care situations that required additional medical information, learners will identify and search smartphone apps for relevant, current, authoritative, medical information that could be applied to the care of individual patients in disasters.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License
Open Access
Included in
Emergency Medicine Commons, Health Information Technology Commons, Library and Information Science Commons