Mapping Cognition in Epilepsy: From the Lab to the Clinic
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Date
Epilepsy currents
epilepsy surgery; fMRI; language mapping; memory mapping; stereoelectroencephalography
In this article, we provide an overview of our panel presentation at the American Epilepsy Society meeting in December2023. Our presentation reviewed functional mapping methods for epilepsy surgery including well-established and newer methods, focusing mostly on language and memory. Dr Leigh Sepeta (Chair) and Dr Jana Jones (Chair) organized the presentation, which included 5 presenters. Dr Christopher Benjamin discussed the history and current and future mapping practices using functional magnetic resonance imaging; Ms. Freya Prentice reviewed functional mapping of language and memory in pediatric epilepsy; Dr Marla Hamberger compared pros and cons of functional mapping between subdural electrodes and stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG); Dr Donald J. Bearden presented a brief how-to guide on cognitive mapping using SEEG; and Dr Alena Stasenko discussed the complexities of functional mapping of bilingual patients. We have included references for more detailed information on the content of our presentation.
APA Citation
Bearden, Donald Jay; Stasenko, Alena; Prentice, Freya; Benjamin, Christopher; Hamberger, Marla; Reppert, Lauren; Jones, Jana J.; and Sepeta, Leigh, "Mapping Cognition in Epilepsy: From the Lab to the Clinic" (2024). GW Authored Works. Paper 5980.
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences