Harmonised Glossary of Wound Care Terms


Rhidian Morgan-Jones, Consultant Revision Knee Surgeon, Colchester University Hospital, Essex; Schoen Clinic London; Spire Cardiff Hospital, UK.
Kylie Sandy-Hodgetts, Associate Professor and Director of the Skin Integrity Research Group, Centre for Molecular Medicine & Innovative Therapeutics, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia; President, International Surgical Wound Complications Advisory Panel.
Febe Bruwer, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Wound Clinic, Life Roseacres Hospital; President, Wound Healing Association of South Africa, South Africa.
Laurent Chabal, Specialist Stoma Nurse, Morges Hospital, and Lecturer in Health Sciences, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, Geneva, Switzerland; President, World Council of Enterostomal Therapists.
Holly Clegg, Academic Lead for Simulation; Nursing Lecturer; Community Nursing & Wound Care Lead; Associate Fellow LEAD; College of Science, Health, Engineering and Education, Murdoch University, Murdoch, WA, Australia.
Kara Couch, President-Elect, Association for the Advancement of Wound Care, and Director of Wound Care Services, George Washington University Hospital, Washington DC, US.
Amy Cudmore, Revision Knee Clinical Nurse Specialist, Regional Multidiscplinary-Team Coordinator and Member of the Arthroplasty Care Practitioners Association, UK.
John Lantis, Chief and Professor of Surgery, Mount Sinai West Hospital and the Icahn School of Medicine, New York, US.
Kimberley LeBlanc, Academic Chair, Wound, Ostomy and Continence Institute and Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC), Canada.
Harikrishna Kr Nair, PGDip Wound Healing and Tissue Repair (UK), Chairman, Wounds Malaysia; Professor and Head of Wound Care, Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Malaysia; President Elect, World Union of Wound Healing Societies.
Tim Parrat, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust, UK.
Mike Reed, Professor, Northumbria Healthcare and University of York, UK.
N Amir Sandiford, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Invercargill Southland Hospital; Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Otago, New Zealand.
Gulnaz Tariq, International Inter-Professional Wound Care Group; President, World Union of Wound Healing Societies; Clinical Advisor, Debra Pakistan; Board Member, International Surgical Wound Complications Advisory Panel.
Jared Torkington, Consultant (Colorectal Surgery), University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK.

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Journal Article

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Journal of wound care








