Let's Not Reinvent the Wheel: Using Communities of Learning and Practice to Address SDOH and Advance Health Equity

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date



Annals of family medicine




Suppl 2




collaboration; communities of practice; curricula; disparities; health equity; health professions education; interdisciplinary communication; medical education; primary care workforce; social determinants of health; vulnerable populations


BACKGROUND: Despite advances in knowledge and science, evidence indicates that health care disparities and inequities continue to exist across diverse populations. Educating and training the next generation of health professionals to focus on addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) and advancing health equity is a key priority. This aim requires educational institutions, communities, and educators to strive for change in health professions education, to attain the goal of creating transformative educational systems that better meet the public health needs of the 21st Century. PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES: Communities of practice (CoPs) are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. The National Collaborative for Education to Address Social Determinants of Health (NCEAS) CoP is focused on integrating SDOH into the formal education of health professionals. The NCEAS CoP is one model to replicate how health professions educators can work together for transformative health workforce education and development. The NCEAS CoP will continue to advance health equity by sharing evidence-based models of education and practice that address SDOH and help build and sustain a culture of health and well-being through sharing models for transformative health professions education. CONCLUSIONS: Our work is an example that shows we can build partnerships across communities and professions, thereby freely sharing ideas and curricular innovations that address the systemic inequities that continue to fuel persistent health disparities and inequities, and contribute to moral distress and burnout of our health professionals.


Nursing Faculty Publications
