School of Medicine and Health Sciences Poster Presentations
Poster Number
Document Type
Medical Student
Abstract Category
Exercise and Nutrition Sciences
Muscle Strength, Polymorphism
Publication Date
Spring 2018
Abstract Title:
Impact of Polymorphisms in PTK2 on Intrinsic Muscle Strength
Primary Presenter Full Name:
Zachary Zeller
Co-presenter Full Name(s):
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Co-author Full Name(s):
Mohamed Al-Amoodi, Whitney Jones, Danny Lee, Steven Mckenzie, Helen Miller, Seth Stubblefied, Susan Knoblach, Heather Gordish-Dressman, Dustin Hittel, Laura L. Tosi
Abstract Text (should not exceed 400 words):
Recent studies have begun to search for correlations between genetic variations and muscle strength. One such study by Stebbings et al.1 examined two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)—rs7843014 and rs7460—on the PTK2 gene. The study found that genetic variation in the PTK2 gene impacts muscle-specific force, which is the force generated per unit of cross-sectional area of muscle. Muscle-specific force ultimately represents the intrinsic strength of a muscle and is a key determinant of functional capacity and mobility. This study sought to expand on prior research by looking for associations between genetic variants of PTK2 and measures of grip strength, as well as general anthropomorphic measures, in a cohort of healthy young adults.
Our study assessed phenotypes for height, weight, VO2 max, max grip strength, and body mass index (BMI) using the Assessing Inherited Markers of Metabolic Syndrome in the Young (AIMMY) University of Calgary subset of 190 healthy, primarily Caucasian, individuals between the ages of 18 and 35. DNA samples were genotyped using ThermoFisher Taqman SNP genotype assays, and underwent the Applied Biosystems 7900HT real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models were used to perform statistical analysis to look for genotype-phenotype associations.
Unlike the findings by Stebbings et al.1 an association between the PTK2 genotypes and grip strength was not found. This could be due to the lower statistical power in the grip strength test, thus potentially indicating that grip strength and muscle-specific force do not measure similar parameters of muscle strength. Genetic variation in PTK2 has also been previously associated with VO2 max, but no association was found in the current study.
Positive associations were found between genetic variants rs7843014 and rs7460 in PTK2 and BMI, and between genetic variant rs7843014 and height. High levels of functioning PTK2 have been found to have increased strength due to increased costamere density, resulting in more muscle myofibrils, and therein larger, presumably heavier muscles. However, this finding was only observed in males, and could be attributed to differential acquisition and maintenance of muscle mass based on sex.
We identified a potentially novel association between genetic variants in PTK2 and anthropomorphic phenotypes. However, we were unable to confirm the effects of genetic variants on measures of intrinsic muscle strength, namely max grip strength or VO2 max in terms of functional capacity. Further research is needed to confirm this newly identified role for PTK2.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Open Access
Impact of Polymorphisms in PTK2 on Intrinsic Muscle Strength
Abstract Title:
Impact of Polymorphisms in PTK2 on Intrinsic Muscle Strength
Primary Presenter Full Name:
Zachary Zeller
Co-presenter Full Name(s):
Click here to enter text.
Co-author Full Name(s):
Mohamed Al-Amoodi, Whitney Jones, Danny Lee, Steven Mckenzie, Helen Miller, Seth Stubblefied, Susan Knoblach, Heather Gordish-Dressman, Dustin Hittel, Laura L. Tosi
Abstract Text (should not exceed 400 words):
Recent studies have begun to search for correlations between genetic variations and muscle strength. One such study by Stebbings et al.1 examined two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)—rs7843014 and rs7460—on the PTK2 gene. The study found that genetic variation in the PTK2 gene impacts muscle-specific force, which is the force generated per unit of cross-sectional area of muscle. Muscle-specific force ultimately represents the intrinsic strength of a muscle and is a key determinant of functional capacity and mobility. This study sought to expand on prior research by looking for associations between genetic variants of PTK2 and measures of grip strength, as well as general anthropomorphic measures, in a cohort of healthy young adults.
Our study assessed phenotypes for height, weight, VO2 max, max grip strength, and body mass index (BMI) using the Assessing Inherited Markers of Metabolic Syndrome in the Young (AIMMY) University of Calgary subset of 190 healthy, primarily Caucasian, individuals between the ages of 18 and 35. DNA samples were genotyped using ThermoFisher Taqman SNP genotype assays, and underwent the Applied Biosystems 7900HT real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) models were used to perform statistical analysis to look for genotype-phenotype associations.
Unlike the findings by Stebbings et al.1 an association between the PTK2 genotypes and grip strength was not found. This could be due to the lower statistical power in the grip strength test, thus potentially indicating that grip strength and muscle-specific force do not measure similar parameters of muscle strength. Genetic variation in PTK2 has also been previously associated with VO2 max, but no association was found in the current study.
Positive associations were found between genetic variants rs7843014 and rs7460 in PTK2 and BMI, and between genetic variant rs7843014 and height. High levels of functioning PTK2 have been found to have increased strength due to increased costamere density, resulting in more muscle myofibrils, and therein larger, presumably heavier muscles. However, this finding was only observed in males, and could be attributed to differential acquisition and maintenance of muscle mass based on sex.
We identified a potentially novel association between genetic variants in PTK2 and anthropomorphic phenotypes. However, we were unable to confirm the effects of genetic variants on measures of intrinsic muscle strength, namely max grip strength or VO2 max in terms of functional capacity. Further research is needed to confirm this newly identified role for PTK2.