Unintentional injuries: Magnitude, prevention, and control
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Date
Annual Review of Public Health
Accidents; Burden of injury; Emergency medical services; Global health; Trauma
The World Health Organization estimates injuries accounted for more than 5 million deaths in 2004, significantly impacting the global burden of disease. Nearly 3.9 million of these deaths were due to unintentional injury, a cause also responsible for more than 138 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost in the same year. More than 90 of the DALYs lost occur in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs), highlighting the disproportionate burden that injuries place on developing countries. This article examines the health and social impact of injury, injury data availability, and injury prevention interventions. By proposing initiatives to minimize the magnitude of death and disability due to unintentional injuries, particularly in LMICs, this review serves as a call to action for further investment in injury surveillance, prevention interventions, and health systems strengthening. © 2012 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved.
APA Citation
De Ramirez, S., Hyder, A., Herbert, H., & Stevens, K. (2012). Unintentional injuries: Magnitude, prevention, and control. Annual Review of Public Health, 33 (). http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031811-124558