Document Type

DNP Project


School of Nursing

Date of Degree

Spring 2024


Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Primary Advisor

Dr. Mercedes Echevarria


MIndfulness; Self-care; Well-being; Burnout; MBSR; UAP


Background: Burnout leads to decreased staff engagement, productivity, and high attrition rates. The nursing staff most impacted are Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP); therefore, to combat burnout, resilience is to be cultivated. Resilience begins with self-care, which is nurturing the self: mind, body, and soul to safeguard well-being.

Objectives: This project provided mindfulness training as a wellness initiative to promote self-care skills and enhance well-being among the UAP within a healthcare facility.

Methods: This project followed an evidenced-based quality improvement practice framework ( Mindful Self-Care Scale-Brief and IHI- Well-Being Assessment Survey) and used a pre-post-test design to compare self-care and well-being after a mindfulness training program.

Results: Nine female UAPs participated in the intervention; seven completed the pre- and post-Mindful Self-Care Scale-B (MSCS-B) and the IHI- Well-Being Assessment Survey. The MSCS-B pre and post-intervention mean scores were favorable for self- care: pre-intervention means = 83.25 (SD =17.351); post-intervention means = 88.57 (SD = 7.525), and paired sample t-test showed an increase in self-care behaviors and proved statistically significant with a p-value < 0.1. The IHI-Well-being Assessment showed no significance statistically.

Conclusion: This intervention suggests mindfulness training promotes self-care and may enhance well-being. Self-care benefits are essential to the UAP to build resilience and prevent burnout. Healthcare organizations must embrace mindfulness training as it lends itself to a shift in culture: Better patient interaction, quality of care, and communication, as well as a decreased attrition rate. This step is a start for continued study of mindfulness in the UAP.

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