Himmelfarb Library Faculty Posters and Presentations
Document Type
Electronic Journals; Library Budgets; Subscription Costs; Serials
Publication Date
This poster represents the culmination of a year’s work by the Journals@Himmelfarb committee. This intra-library committee was formed to discuss the critical issues surrounding transitioning print journal subscriptions to electronic access only. In response to these discussions, collection development policies were created to reflect both print and electronic resources, a model electronic license was created, and faculty department heads were surveyed as to the usefulness and format preference for titles in their subject area. This resulted in improved understanding of the existing collection and assisted in developing the first steps for migrating from a print to an electronic collection.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Delivered at: Medical Library Association Mid-Atlantic Chapter Annual Meeting, October 2004.