Himmelfarb Library Faculty Posters and Presentations
Document Type
Library Fines; Community Service; Library Patrons; Access Services; Circulation Staff; Library Outreach
Publication Date
This poster presentation is a detailed description of the background, process, promotion, results, and conclusions of an academic library community service project. The "Food for Fines" program, implemented at Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library was designed to encourage the collection of fines for overdue items. One non-perishable food item was accepted for every $1.00 in overdue fines, to a maximum of $20.00. These food items were donated to a local food bank in the Washington, DC, area.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Delivered at: Medical Library Association Mid-Atlantic Chapter, October 2011.