The Disparities in ART (DART) Hypothesis of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access and Outcomes of IVF Treatment in the USA

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date



Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.)




Access to care; Asian women; Black women; Cultural factors; DART hypothesis; Disparities in ART; Disparities in IVF; Health care outcomes; Hispanic women


We propose the Disparities in ART (DART) hypothesis which identifies underlining causes that contribute to racial disparities in access and outcomes of ART treatment in the USA. Reasons for disparities in access and outcomes of ART treatment for infertility are derived from some relative contribution of four identified causes. They are simply stated as delays in obtaining treatment, higher dropout during and following unsuccessful ART treatment, provider factors, and differences in patient biological factors. Each of these causes has a subset of 4-6 factors that contribute to each of the 4 broad categorical causes that are discussed. This hypothesis may serve as a platform for better understanding the scope of the challenges and potential research inquiries that may lead to narrowing of racial/ethnic disparities in access and outcomes in ART.


Obstetrics and Gynecology
