Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date



Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law


Volume 31, Issue 3

Inclusive Pages



Medically Underserved Area; Medically Uninsured; United States Federal Trade Commission; Vulnerable Populations; Uninsured


Despite the size of their report, the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice pay virtually no attention to tens of millions of uninsured and underinsured persons. By focusing on an increasingly rarified group of health care customers—healthy, affluent, and highly insured—the report takes on an untethered quality, with only the slightest tip of the hat to its own limitations. Furthermore, the report overstates the extent of legal constraints on the market, in particular, the degree to which the market is free to select its customers and tailor its goods and services to the best risks. By miscasting the legal context of the American health care system, the report ultimately undermines much of its potential value.

Peer Reviewed


Open Access


Included in

Health Policy Commons



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